Exploring the Decimal Data Type in SQL Server : cybexhosting.net

Hi there! As a database professional or enthusiast, you may have come across various data types in SQL Server. One of the most commonly used data types is the decimal data type, which enables precise storage and calculation of numeric values. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the decimal data type and explore its intricacies. So, let’s get started!

What is the Decimal Data Type?

The decimal data type is a numeric data type in SQL Server that stores decimal numbers with a fixed number of digits to the right and left of the decimal point. The data type is commonly used when precision is important, such as in financial applications, where rounding errors are unacceptable. Unlike other numeric data types, such as float and real, the decimal data type provides precise decimal representation without any approximation.

The decimal data type is also known as decimal(p, s), where p is the precision and s is the scale. The precision represents the total number of digits that can be stored, both to the left and right of the decimal point. The scale represents the number of digits that can be stored to the right of the decimal point. For example, if a decimal data type is declared as decimal(10, 2), it can store 10 digits in total, with 2 digits to the right of the decimal point.

Advantages of the Decimal Data Type

The decimal data type provides the following advantages:

Advantages Description
Precision The decimal data type provides high precision, which is necessary for financial and other critical applications where rounding errors are unacceptable.
Fixed-point arithmetic The decimal data type enables fixed-point arithmetic, which is valuable when dealing with monetary values.
Easy to understand The decimal data type is easy to understand and work with, as it represents numbers in the same way humans do.

Disadvantages of the Decimal Data Type

The decimal data type also has some disadvantages, such as:

Disadvantages Description
Large storage space The decimal data type requires a large storage space compared to other numeric data types, such as int and float. This can impact performance and storage requirements.
Decreased performance The decimal data type can impact performance due to its high precision and fixed-point arithmetic.

How to Declare Decimal Data Types in SQL Server

To declare a decimal data type in SQL Server, you can use the following syntax:

DECIMAL[(p[, s])]

The optional parameter p represents the precision, while the optional parameter s represents the scale. If you don’t specify the precision and scale, the default values are 18 and 0, respectively.

For example, to create a column with decimal data type with a precision of 10 and a scale of 2, you can use the following SQL statement:

CREATE TABLE myTable (myColumn DECIMAL(10,2));

How to Use the Decimal Data Type in SQL Server

Once you have declared a decimal data type in SQL Server, you can use it in various ways, such as:

Inserting Values

To insert values into a decimal column, you can use the following syntax:

INSERT INTO myTable (myColumn) VALUES (123.45)

In this example, we’re inserting the value 123.45 into the myColumn column, which has a decimal data type.

Selecting Values

To select values from a decimal column, you can use the following syntax:

SELECT myColumn FROM myTable

In this example, we’re selecting the values from the myColumn column, which has a decimal data type.

Updating Values

To update values in a decimal column, you can use the following syntax:

UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = 234.56 WHERE id = 1

In this example, we’re updating the value in the myColumn column, which has a decimal data type, for the row with id = 1.

Deleting Values

To delete values from a decimal column, you can use the following syntax:

DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myColumn = 123.45

In this example, we’re deleting the rows where the myColumn column, which has a decimal data type, has a value of 123.45.


What is the difference between decimal and float data types in SQL Server?

The decimal data type stores fixed-point numbers with a fixed number of digits, while the float data type stores approximate numbers with a variable number of digits. The decimal data type is useful for financial calculations or any other application where precision is essential, while the float data type is useful for scientific calculations or any other application where precision is not important.

What is the maximum size of the decimal data type in SQL Server?

The maximum precision of the decimal data type in SQL Server is 38, and the maximum scale is 38.

Can I convert the decimal data type to other data types?

Yes, you can convert the decimal data type to other data types using the CAST or CONVERT functions in SQL Server.

What is the default precision and scale of the decimal data type in SQL Server?

The default precision of the decimal data type in SQL Server is 18, and the default scale is 0.

Are there any performance issues when using the decimal data type in SQL Server?

Yes, the decimal data type can impact performance due to its high precision and fixed-point arithmetic. It requires a large storage space compared to other numeric data types, such as int and float, which can affect performance and storage requirements. It’s crucial to use the decimal data type only when precision is essential and use other numeric data types when precision is not important.


The decimal data type in SQL Server is a valuable data type that provides high precision for financial and other critical applications where precision is essential. Although it can impact performance and storage requirements, it’s crucial to use the decimal data type only when it’s necessary and use other numeric data types when precision is not important. We hope this article has provided a comprehensive understanding of the decimal data type and its usage in SQL Server.

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